Field of Sunflowers


Last Saturday we took a drive in the countryside, we had no destination in mind, apart from the idea of finding a field full of Sunflowers. I had stumbled upon a post on Facebook earlier that week, which included some very beautiful ariel photos of a sunflower field in Buckinghamshire. I had to find it.

We had a vague idea where it was and we just drove. It was glorious. The sun was shining and we drove through so many pretty little villages, full of stone cottages and beautiful flowers.

In the end, we did stop and ask people if they had heard of this mysterious field and after a few hours of driving, we found it, just outside of Wiggington.


We spent hours getting lost in this labyrinth of Sunflowers. The photos do not do it justice, the field was huge! It was exactly what I needed. Over the past month, I have felt completely lost. I sometimes lose faith in what direction I’m heading. If my goals and dreams are a little too far away to grasp or if I’m making the right decisions in life. But I then spent an afternoon completely lost in a field on Sunflowers and I loved it. I guess sometimes it’s ok to be a little lost.


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Adorkable. Photo mad. A short-arse. Geeky. Random. Giggler. Aspiring photographer. Walking on a moonbeam. Living in a daydream.

15 thoughts on “Field of Sunflowers

  1. Love just going for a drive with no destination! It’s always amazing what you’ll discover wen you have no (or very little) agenda.


    1. We almost gave up hope of finding it, but I’m so glad we didn’t. I’m on the mission of finding a lavender field next. Watch out for that post! :p


    1. Thank you. I came away that day feeling refreshed and grounded. I agree, it’s like looking at the stars. If I’m having a particularly bad day I like to look up at the stars and be reminded how small my problems actually are


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